Teen Counselling

Specialized teen counselling helps teens work through trauma and build healthy mental habits now and into adulthood

teen counselling​

Teen and childhood years have always been a source of major changes, traumas, and overwhelming experiences. However, today’s society and social media have compounded many of those issues making teen counselling a crucial part of healthy mental development for many young adults.

Whether your teen is experiencing issues due to recent events or they are displaying early signs of mental distress, counselling will not only help them now but into the future.

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resons for teen counselling
Common Reasons for Teen Counselling
  • Difficulty in school
  • Social anxiety
  • Sexual identity
  • Peer pressure
  • Cyberbullying/Bullying
  • Depression/Self-harm
  • Struggles at home
  • Coping with a divorce
  • Major life changes
  • resons for teen counselling
    benefits of counselling
    Benefits of Counselling for Teens

    The CBC reports that more than 1 in 10 young adults (age 15-24) fit the criteria for depression. With changing global events and other mounting pressures, this number is only growing. Teen counselling is one of the best avenues to give teens a safe place to talk about the major changes they are experiencing in their home and school lives.

    Early intervention with counselling can prevent issues of self-medicating with drugs or alcohol, worsening depression, self-harm, and low self-esteem. Throughout a person’s life, the benefits of counselling will extend to future relationships and employment as a teen takes these healthy mental habits into adulthood.

    benefits of counselling

    How to Tell if Your Teen Needs Therapy

    teen needs therapy

    Your Teen Needs Therapy

    Most people, adults, and teens, can benefit from some form of mental therapy. Your teen does not need to display addictive or aggressive behaviour for counselling to be considered. However, some of the most common behaviours that could indicate there is an issue that requires therapy, include:
    teen needs therapy

    Divorce and Changes in Family Structure

    Even an amicable divorce can dramatically change the life of a teen. This is even more true if new step-siblings or step-parents are also joining the household. Therapy after or even during such a major event can go a long way to making the transition smoother.
    teen needs therapy

    Death of a Friend or Loved One

    Death is a difficult event for anyone of any age but teens and children often have the hardest time processing this. Therapy can help to prevent other psychological issues like depression or anxiety around the event from developing.
    teen needs therapy

    Changes in Behavior

    There is a wide range of reasons why teen behaviour can change including simple hormone fluctuations or stress from balancing school and social life. However, some can be more concerning than others such as drug use, depression, bullying, or suicidal thoughts. If a once happy and productive teen suddenly starts getting in trouble at school, loses interest in hobbies, and has low motivation, therapy could go a long way to finding the source of these changes.
    teen needs therapy
    Eating Disorders
    Eating disorders often develop during the teen years and can affect every aspect of a young adult’s life. Most often this takes the form of eating disorders like anorexia where a teen is convinced they need to lose weight. However, teens who have suddenly started gaining significant weight or binge eating may be experiencing similar psychological trauma. Both losing and gaining significant weight can be a response to psychological disorders, bullying, or hormonal issues. Therapy can be used to support other medical interventions depending on the type of disordered eating that is occurring.
    teen needs therapy

    They Tell You They Need Help

    While teens are often unlikely to confide in a parent or adult about emotional issues when they do, it is time to act. The important thing to remember in these situations is that it is normal for teens to have issues they do not want to talk to a parent about and being unable to help your child on your own is not a personal failing. Outside, professional help is one of the most supportive things you can do for a teen who is struggling with mental health.
    teen needs therapy
    Counselling Simply Teen Counselling
    At Counselling Simply, we understand the unique risks, pressures, and changes that teens experience every day. With early therapy intervention, we seek to give young adults a safe space to examine their emotions now and help them foster healthy mental habits throughout their lives. Contact us today for appointment availability.

    Teen Counselling for Bullying and Cyberbullying

    Treatment for those Being Bullied

    One of the most common reasons teens seeks mental health support is instances of bullying and cyberbullying. While the primary objective is to stop the bullying, the pain from these traumatic events often does not end even if the behaviour does.

    With bullying therapy, teens are given a safe space to discuss the trauma they have experienced and ways to work through the damage it has caused. The focus is often on self-acceptance and forgiveness.

    treatment for teen
    treatment for bullies

    Treatment for Bullies

    Though much of the conversation around bullying is about teens who have had aggressive behaviour directed at them, bullies themselves are often just as in need of teen counselling. This is because many of the reasons teens become bullies also stem from things like stress, mental conditions, personal trauma, environmental factors, and peer pressure.

    Therapy for teens who have displayed abusive or aggressive behaviour as this revolves around finding the root cause and developing healthier ways to express emotions. With early intervention, therapy for teen bullies can help to reduce the risk of an individual escalating their behaviour and hurting others or themselves.

    How Does Teen Counselling Differ from Counselling for Adults?

    Depending on the age of the teen or child, therapy can vary. However, one of the most notable differences between teen and adult counselling is that a teen therapist is more likely to share information in order to spark a conversation.  This is different from adult therapy where the conversation is somewhat more one-sided with the patient sharing and the therapist evaluating. A conversational approach is particularly beneficial for teens who may be reluctant to share or open up. 

    Additionally, younger patients or those with certain learning difficulties may be given more activity-based therapy. This can include playing games or performing tasks that help keep the young patient engaged.

    Contact Counselling Simply today to book an appointment.