Take the First Step Today
Seeking help when you are hurting can be a monumental task. You have already begun your journey simply by searching for help.
Now it is time to take that first step.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by things in your own life or the world around you, you are far from alone. Multiple studies have shown that depression rates have dramatically increased in recent years. Whether you are dealing with depression, marriage issues, family conflict, or other trauma, finding someone to talk to is often the first step in lessening your burden.
We believe in breaking down the barriers to quality counselling services and simplifying the process in order to provide more clients with the support they need.
During your first Counselling Simply session, we will ask about your medical history much the same way a primary care doctor would. This will include physical, mental, and overall health. This first session is about getting to know you and is often a very relaxed experience. Expect to share some basic information about yourself to better plan the next steps of your therapy.
If you have found yourself searching for counselling services, you are likely already in the very large pool of people who can benefit from therapy services. Contrary to popular belief, counselling is not just for individuals with crippling depression or couples on the verge of divorce.
Instead, counselling can help strengthen an already strong relationship and provide support for any individual who is dealing with less severe conditions like “walking depression.” Walking depression is an unofficial term used to describe those who experience depression that still allows them to function and interact normally while still experiencing symptoms on the inside. It is invisible to the outside world, but can still be affecting you deeply.
Some Common Reasons People Seek Therapy:
Above all else, the most important thing you can do during your therapy is to be honest. Counselling Simply provides judgment-free therapeutic services intended to help you explore your true feelings and beliefs. Opening up to your counselor is the best and only way for them to provide you with the support you need.
Additionally, it is important that you prioritize your therapy as much as possible. Your counselor may give you a task or topic to consider between sessions and these should be taken seriously. While it is easy for life and work to get in the way, you will find you get back what you put into therapy.
This varies greatly depending on the individual, couple, or family who is attending. For some issues, it may only require a handful of sessions. This is more often the case for couples or families who are working through specific issues. Individual therapy can continue indefinitely. Many clients may seek help for a single problem but find being able to discuss ongoing feelings is beneficial to improving their overall lives.
Seeking help when you are hurting can be a monumental task. You have already begun your journey simply by searching for help.
Now it is time to take that first step.
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